MedicareProviding area businesses and individuals with comprehensive, cost-effective and value-added health benefits with packaged solutions

Medicare can be very confusing  and may seem overwhelming when you start receiving all the marketing correspondence prior to turning 65. At Harbour Health Insurance, we will simplify the entire process for you. We understand all the different plans that are available and will discuss them in detail with you so that you have a full understanding of each product. Our agents have the knowledge and expertise to help you decide which plan best suits you and we will assist you with this process at NO additional cost for our services.

Medicare Supplement Plans, also known as Medigap, fill “gaps” in Medicare Parts A and B. Medicare Parts A and B pays for much, but not all, of the cost for covered health care services and supplies. With Medicare Parts A and B, you will still have out of pocket costs such as Copayments, Coinsurance, and Deductibles.  Medicare Supplement Plans are issued by private insurance companies, and they are designed to fill these gaps. Another advantage of Supplement Plans is that you are not limited to an insurance carrier’s provider network; you are allowed to visit any provider in the US that accepts Medicare. Our agents have the knowledge and expertise to help you decide which plan best suits you and we will assist you with this process at NO additional cost for our services.

Medicare Part D is the optional benefit for drug coverage offered to everyone who has Medicare. These Prescription Drug Plans (PDPs) add drug coverage to Original Medicare and are issued by private insurance companies. Each plan contracts with pharmacies differently and covers drugs differently, so research must be done to find out which drug plan will cover your prescriptions best.
Our agents have the knowledge and expertise to help you decide which plan best suits you and we will assist you with this process at NO additional cost for our services.

NOTE: If you decide not to get Medicare drug coverage when you're first eligible, you'll likely pay a late enrollment penalty if you join later, unless one of these applies: 1) You have other creditable prescription drug coverage, or 2) You get Extra Help. Generally, you'll pay this penalty for as long as you have Medicare prescription drug coverage.

Medicare Part C is known as the Medicare Advantage Plan. Medicare Advantage Plans are a type of Medicare health plan offered by a private company that contracts with Medicare to provide all your Part A and Part B benefits, and they usually include your Prescription Drug Coverage. When you enroll into a Medicare Advantage Plan with Prescription Drug coverage (MAPD), you do not enroll into a Medicare Supplement nor a Drug Plan. The MAPD provides your medical and drug coverage and is administered by the insurance company. As a result, these plans usually require you to utilize the carrier’s provider network as well as require you to pay out of pocket costs such as Deductible, Coinsurance, and Copays. Our agents have the knowledge and expertise to help you decide which plan best suits you and we will assist you with this process at NO additional cost for our services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I pay for your services?

No. We do not charge extra fees for our services. Whether you go through an agent to obtain health coverage or you go directly to the insurance company or marketplace, you will pay the same monthly premium for the same policy.

What is the benefit of meeting with an insurance broker?

Health insurance coverage is a complex product. It is important to know the options available to you so you can make an informed decision. We help you navigate through those options so you can choose the right one for you.

What do I do if I have lost my employer-sponsored health coverage?

You may have an option to keep your coverage through State continuation or COBRA, depending on the size of your company. You also have a qualifying event to make you eligible for a special enrollment period to purchase individual coverage (Affordable Care Act) outside the Open Enrollment Period. You have 60 days from when your employer coverage expires to obtain coverage thru the Affordable Care Act. We will help you research the options so that you make the right choice.

What if I can't afford it?

Under the Affordable Care Act, if your household income is within certain limits, then you may be eligible for a subsidy which can significantly lower your monthly premium. We will help you determine if you are eligible for subsidy.

I missed the Open Enrollment Period. Can I still get health coverage?

If you did not enroll into a health plan during the Nov 1 – Dec 15 Open Enrollment, you can only enroll into ACA coverage if you have a Special Enrollment Period. You are eligible for a Special Enrollment if you have a Qualifying Event, such as Loss of Employer Coverage or Medicaid, Relocation, Birth of Child, Marriage/Divorce. You must enroll within 60 Days of the Qualifying Event. If you have not had a Qualifying Event, then you can enroll into a Short Term Medical Plan which will provide coverage until the next Open Enrollment Period.

What are my coverage choices under Medicare?

Option 1: Original Medicare includes Part A (Hospital/Inpatient) and Part B (Outpatient/Physician/Diagnostics). You will want to purchase a Supplement Plan (Medigap) to “fill the gaps” in Parts A and B, such as deductibles, coinsurance, etc. You will also need a separate Medicare Drug Plan (Part D). Medicare Supplement combined with a Drug Plan usually provides you with the best coverage and gives you the freedom to see any provider that accepts Medicare. Option 1: Medicare Advantage (Part C). This is an “all in one” alternative to Original Medicare, which includes your medical coverage and drug coverage. However, you may be subject to more out-of-pocket costs for services and you will most likely need to use in-network doctors/providers.